Consumers are advised when purchasing food products from rural farmers, contact the group leaders and update them if you are purchasing foods from a farmer within their group if you are new to the farmer, or if you have to purchase from one individual farmer. Tree Food systems with its business partners will not be liable for any money lost during the transaction. Whenever you purchase any food products from any rural farmer, keep the financial transaction code until food is delivered to you. When you purchase perishable foods, you are required to pick within 24 hours from our Tree Food Systems stores near you.
Urban consumers are required to obtain a food tracking number from our Tree food stores near you. After you purchase your food items from a rural farmer, the courier company delivering your food items will SMS you information that your food has been dispersed and you are required to collect it from the food store or warehouse near you. The food tracking number will cost you a renewable annual fee of KSH 1,000
Once you purchase foods from the rural farmer, the farmer will require that tracking number, and phone number to connect your food items to the courier company ferrying your food products. The Courier company will not be able to transport your food items to the nearest food stores without your track number, for the food store will require your tracking number to contact you
To get your tracking number please fill the form provided and request your tracking number
A. All farmer’s groups loaded on the website will pay KES 3,000 a total of 14,500 groups will be uploaded
B. All farmers being loaded on our tree foods system platform to pay annual fee of KES 2,000 approximate 7.5 million farmers
C. The consumer will pay for transport fee for all foods ordered
D. The urban consumer will register with KES 1,000 annually to obtain their food tracking number
E. Tree Food system will manage food stores and warehouses, when a consumer in urban town order food, vehicles from rural areas will off load in the stores, when the consumer comes to pick his food will be required to pay the store fees of KSH 50, for any unpicked food within 24 hours
F. The consumer will pay KES 50 for any other added day foods remain uncollected from our stores
G. When the consumer wants a motorbike service to drop them food from our stores will be availed
H. When an urban consumer orders food, when accessing food in the food stores will be required to produce proof of annual fee payment of the tracking number.