Tree Food Systems

Tree Food Systems

Menu Design
Menu Design

Marketing the website

Most farmers have ready to sell food products but are hardly known to Kenyans, that is why there is too much food waste at farm level, as farmers depend on middlemen to bring their foods to customers. our idea is to give 55 million Kenyans direct farmers contacts by WARD level in Kenya. We plan to use the below activities to create awareness of this website to the million Kenyans.

Marketing our website will be key to help our farmers get known by all Kenyans. After we load farmers online we plan to use these methods to market the created website

1. Food Friday TV – this is a program aired by local National TV, we will use this opportunity to make visible the website
on a national level
2. Pay for Radio and TV adverts
3. Pay for Newspaper advert
4. Create videos on social networks
5. Seek Radio and TV interviews
6. WhatsApp groups
7. Brochures and leaflets
8. T-shirts with website
9. Pay for a stand in every national agricultural shows
10. Use our bus digital screens adverts

To reach and promote our website to city and per-urban dwellers, we will have buses operating in the city, the buses will be fitted with digital screens almost 10 buses per urban town. A bus with 33 seats making 14 round trips from estate to town will carry in a day carry 462 having 10 buses will ferry 4,620 people and 138,600 monthly and 1,663,200 annually, having 10 buses in the 47 counties we shall be reaching annually 78,170,400 people. The buses shall have documentaries of farm products and how to order